How many pieces of sushi should you eat?

How many pieces of sushi should you eat?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “sushi”?!

Fresh nigiri sushi, a quick lunch at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, a lively meal with family and friends…
Sushi is one of the representative dishes of Japanese food culture, and is very familiar to us.

However, when it comes to eating sushi, many questions may come to mind, such as “How many pieces should I eat?”, “Can I eat sushi while on a diet?”, and “What kind of toppings should I choose to enjoy it?”

In this article, we’ve put together information to answer those questions and make eating sushi more delicious and enjoyable.

We will be introducing a wide range of information, including the calories of sushi toppings, toppings that you can safely eat even while on a diet, the average serving size at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, and even the order in which to eat sushi to make it taste better and a ranking of recommended toppings.

It is also full of related information, such as the health benefits of sushi, things to be careful about when eating it, as well as the history and culture of sushi, and recipe sites for making sushi at home.

After reading this article, you too will surely become a sushi master! Come and explore the world of sushi with us!

Table of Contents

[List of calories by sushi topping] How many pieces of sushi can I eat while on a diet?

I’m on a diet, but I really want to eat sushi! I’m sure there are people who feel the same way.

In fact, the calorie content varies greatly depending on the type of topping, so if you choose wisely, you can still enjoy sushi even while on a diet.

Here, we will explain the calories of sushi toppings and things to be careful about when eating sushi even while on a diet.

The calories in sushi vary greatly depending on the toppings!

The calorie content of sushi varies depending on the type of topping and the size of the rice.
Generally, the calories of sushi can be divided into three groups based on the type of topping:

Low calorie items

  • Flatfish: about 30 kcal
  • Squid: approx. 40kcal
  • Octopus: approx. 45kcal
  • Salmon: approx. 50 kcal
  • Sweet shrimp: approx. 55 kcal
  • Red meat (tuna): approx. 60kcal

Medium calorie content

  • Conger eel: approx. 80 kcal
  • Scallops: about 90kcal
  • Medium fatty tuna (medium fatty tuna): approx. 95 kcal
  • Salmon Roe (ikura): about 100kcal
  • Sea urchin: approx. 105 kcal

High calorie content

  • Fatty salmon: approx. 120 kcal
  • Otoro (fatty tuna): about 130 kcal
  • Conger eel: about 150 kcal
  • Eel: about 180 kcal

The above is only a guideline per piece, and the calorie content may vary slightly depending on the store as the size of the rice and the thickness of the toppings vary.

Try the sushi diet with low-calorie ingredients!

If you eat sushi while dieting, it is recommended to choose low-calorie toppings.

For example, squid, octopus, and salmon are relatively low in calories and rich in protein, making them ideal for nutritional supplementation while dieting.

By combining these toppings with vegetable toppings (such as kappa rolls), you can further reduce calories.

Things to be careful of when eating high-calorie foods

When eating high-calorie ingredients, try to limit the amount you eat.

For example, fatty ingredients such as otoro (fatty tuna) and sea urchin can leave you feeling satisfied even with a small amount, so it is recommended to limit yourself to one or two pieces.

Also, when eating high-calorie ingredients, it is important to adjust the overall balance by reducing the calories in other meals.

Other effective methods include reducing the size of the sushi rice and replacing vinegared rice with brown rice!

It’s also recommended to think about the amount and type of sushi rice, as well as the toppings. You
can reduce calories by asking for smaller portions of sushi rice, or by asking for brown rice instead of vinegared rice.

Recently, more and more restaurants are offering “daikon sushi,” which uses thin slices of daikon radish instead of sushi rice, to reduce carbohydrates.

The calorie content of sushi varies greatly depending on the type of topping, so if you choose wisely, you can still enjoy it even while dieting.

By actively eating low-calorie toppings and adjusting the amount of rice, you can continue your diet without straining yourself and still enjoy delicious sushi.

[What’s the average?] How many plates do you eat at a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant?

Do you ever find yourself eating too much when you go to a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant?

You may be wondering, “Am I eating too much?”

In this article, we will explain the average amount of sushi consumed at a conveyor-belt sushi restaurant, as well as the differences between men, women, and ages.

Average sushi intake for women

The average woman’s sushi intake is said to be about 7-8 pieces.

This is equivalent to about 3-4 plates at a typical conveyor belt sushi restaurant, where each plate has 2 pieces.

Of course, there are individual differences, but this is a good rough guideline.

Average sushi intake for men

The average sushi intake for a man is said to be about 10 to 12 pieces.

This is equivalent to about 5 to 6 plates of conveyor belt sushi.

It seems that men tend to eat more sushi on average than women.

Average number of plates at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant

According to a survey conducted in 2020 by conveyor belt sushi chain Sushiro, the average number of plates eaten per person was about 8.3.

In this survey, the results were about 9.5 plates for men and about 7 plates for women.

(Reference: Sushiro announces survey results on “Favorite combinations of toppings” | Akindo Hand Co., Ltd.)

However, these figures are merely averages, and the amount eaten varies from person to person.

They can vary greatly depending on age, build, and appetite on that day, so they should only be used as a guide.

Understand that there are differences based on age and physique

The amount of sushi consumed varies depending on age and build.

For example, growing children and people with a large build tend to eat more than average.

Elderly people and small people tend to eat less than average.

Try to eat an appropriate amount according to your age, body type, and your physical condition and appetite on that day.

[Explanation by purpose] The amount of sushi you eat varies depending on the situation!

The amount of sushi you eat will vary greatly depending on the situation and purpose.

It’s important to know the appropriate amount for each situation, such as when you want a light lunch, a hearty dinner, or when you want to enjoy sushi with alcohol.

Sushi as a light meal

If you want to eat a light meal of sushi for lunch, the standard is about 5-7 pieces.

This is equivalent to about 2-3 plates at a regular conveyor belt sushi restaurant.

If you’re not very hungry or have plans to eat something after dinner, this amount should be enough.

When you want to eat a hearty meal

On the other hand, if you want to eat a substantial amount of sushi for dinner, you should aim for around 10 to 15 pieces.

If you’re at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant, that would be around 5 to 7 plates. This amount should be enough to satisfy men and people who eat a lot.

If you are having a course meal for dinner

When dining at a high-end sushi restaurant with a course meal, you will usually be served around 15 to 20 pieces of sushi, although this will vary depending on the restaurant.

In addition, appetizers, soup dishes, desserts, etc. will also be served, so the overall amount will be quite large.

When eating sushi at a drinking party

If you’re having sushi with alcohol at an izakaya, the standard is about 5 to 10 pieces.

Since you’ll be drinking, it’s recommended that you order a little at a time rather than eating a lot at once.

Remember that the amount of sushi you eat will vary greatly depending on the situation and purpose. It’s important to enjoy an appropriate amount, taking into consideration your appetite, physical condition, the people you’re eating with, and the atmosphere of the restaurant.

If you’re going to eat sushi, you want to enjoy it at its most delicious, right?

In fact, there are a few tips for eating sushi, such as the order in which to eat it and how to choose the toppings.

In this article, we’ll introduce the order in which to eat sushi to make it taste even better, a ranking of recommended toppings, and even some unusual toppings.

The order in which you eat sushi depends on the taste of the toppings!

The order in which you eat sushi is important for enjoying the taste and flavor of the ingredients to the fullest.

Generally, it is recommended to eat sushi in the following order:

  1. Start with a mild white fish. Let’s start with a mild-tasting white fish. By eating delicate ingredients such as flounder and sea bream first, you can fully experience the flavor.
  2. Next, after the white fish, move on to shiny fish such as horse mackerel or mackerel. Shiny fish have a unique flavor, but if you eat them after the white fish, you can enjoy the flavor without it being overpowering.
  3. Then the red fish , eat tuna or other red fish. Red fish has a stronger flavor than white fish or shiny fish, so having it later makes the flavor stand out even more.
  4. After that come the lean fish, simmered dishes such as simmered conger eel and shellfish are sandwiched in between. These ingredients are not only rich in flavor, but also have a variety of textures, so they act as a palate cleanser.
  5. Finally, we finish off with rolls such as kappa rolls and tuna rolls. Rolls have a refreshing taste to them, as you can enjoy the flavor of the seaweed and the sourness of the vinegared rice.
  6. Reset with tamagoyaki (egg rolls) and ginger. It is also recommended to eat tamagoyaki (egg rolls) and ginger in between meals. The sweetness of the tamagoyaki and the sourness of the ginger will refresh your mouth, allowing you to enjoy the next ingredient even more.

Here we will introduce the toppings recommended by many sushi chefs in a ranking format.

1st place: Tuna (especially Otoro)

Tuna, especially Otoro, is a popular ingredient that attracts many people with its rich flavor and melting texture. It is well-fattened with fat and the moment you put it in your mouth, the flavor spreads in your mouth and it is truly delicious.

2nd place:

Sea urchin Sea urchin is a high-class ingredient characterized by its rich sweetness and the aroma of the seashore.

Fresh sea urchin has a smooth texture that melts in your mouth, making it truly worthy of being called the jewel of the sea.

3rd place:

Squid Squid is a classic ingredient with a crunchy texture.

Fresh squid is sweet and the more you chew it, the more delicious it becomes.

We will also introduce some unusual topics that have been trending on social media such as Instagram in recent years.

  • Beef sushi – made with beef or pork has become increasingly popular in recent years. Wagyu beef sushi in particular is exquisite, with a melt-in-the-mouth texture and rich flavor.
  • Fruit sushi – made with fruits such as strawberries and mangoes is visually appealing and popular among women. The sweet and sour taste of the fruit and the sourness of the vinegared rice go surprisingly well together, making it a delicious dessert.
  • Creative sushi – In recent years, creative sushi that combines various ingredients and cooking methods has become popular.For example, you can enjoy unique sushi such as luxurious sushi using foie gras and truffles, and sushi with ethnic flavors.

Find the best order for you!

The order in which to eat sushi is delicious is merely a general guideline.

Feel free to change the order to suit your preferences and your mood that day.

Try different toppings and orders to find the best way to enjoy sushi for you.

[Packed with nutrition!] The health benefits of sushi and things to be careful about when eating it

Sushi is made with a variety of ingredients, including seafood and seaweed, and is a highly nutritious dish.

However, eating too much of it can also have a negative impact on your health.

In this article, we will explain in detail the health benefits of sushi and the precautions you should take when eating it.

Increase your health with the DHA and EPA contained in seafood!

Seafood used as sushi toppings are rich in essential fatty acids such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

DHA and EPA are expected to have the following health benefits:

  • Blood-thinning effect: DHA and EPA have the effect of thinning the blood, and are said to be useful in preventing arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction.
  • Effect on improving brain function: DHA has the effect of activating the function of nerve cells in the brain, and is said to be useful for improving memory and learning ability.
  • Effect of stabilizing the mind: EPA has a stabilizing effect on the mind and is said to be useful in preventing depression and anxiety disorders.

These essential fatty acids cannot be produced in the body and must be obtained through food.

Sushi is a recommended food for efficiently ingesting DHA and EPA.

Be aware that rice has a high GI value!

The rice used in sushi is often white rice, which has a high glycemic index (GI) value.

The GI value is an index that indicates the degree to which blood sugar levels rise after a meal, and the higher the GI value of a food, the more likely it is that blood sugar levels will rise sharply.

When blood sugar levels rise sharply, a large amount of insulin is secreted, which makes it easier for fat to accumulate, increasing the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Therefore, people who are particularly concerned about diabetes or obesity should be careful about eating too much sushi.

Salt content of sushi and appropriate intake amount

Sushi uses seasonings with a lot of salt, such as soy sauce, salt, and pickles, so you need to be careful not to consume too much salt.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recommends a daily salt intake target of less than 7.5g for men and less than 6.5g for women.

The salt content of one piece of sushi is said to be about 0.5 to 1g.

Therefore, if you eat 10 pieces of sushi, you will be consuming 5 to 10g of salt.

To stay below your target value, adjust the amount you eat and be careful not to add too much soy sauce.

Be careful not to overeat! Try to eat a balanced diet.

Sushi is a nutritious dish, but eating too much of it can lead to excess calories and salt, and you can’t get all the nutrients you need from sushi alone.

To maintain a healthy diet, it is important to eat a balanced diet that includes not only sushi but also a variety of foods such as vegetables, meat, and beans.

Sushi is rich in essential fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, and is a dish that is expected to have health benefits.

However, since it uses white rice with a high glycemic index and seasonings that are high in salt, you should be careful not to eat too much.

Try to eat a balanced diet and enjoy it in moderation.

Read also: How to eat Sushi correctly! – Complete guide.

In this article, we have explained the calories and toppings of sushi, the order in which to eat it, its health benefits, etc.

We will introduce related information for those who want to know more about sushi and want to try different types of sushi.

If you want to eat delicious sushi, you want to choose a restaurant with a good reputation.

Here are some recommended sushi restaurants in Tokyo.

  • Tsukiji Sushisei: A long-established sushi restaurant that has been loved for many years in Tsukiji Market. You can enjoy Edomae sushi made with fresh ingredients and skilled craftsmanship.
  • Sushi Saito: A famous restaurant that has been awarded three stars in the Michelin Guide. The carefully selected ingredients and carefully prepared sushi are truly works of art.
  • Kyubey: A high-end sushi restaurant with its flagship store in Ginza. It attracts many gourmets by preserving tradition while always taking on new challenges.
  • Midori Sushi: A popular restaurant where you can enjoy delicious sushi at reasonable prices. The fresh ingredients and generous portions of sushi are excellent value for money.

In addition to these, there are many other sushi restaurants with various characteristics.

Choose a restaurant that suits your tastes and budget.

Sushi recipe site

If you want to try making sushi at home, try looking at recipe sites.

Here are some recommended recipe sites.

  • Cookpad : Japan’s largest recipe site. It features a wide variety of sushi recipes, including many easy recipes that even beginners can make.
  • Rakuten Recipe : A recipe site operated by Rakuten. It features many recipes with easy-to-understand explanations and photos, making it easy to imagine the sushi you want to make.
  • DELICO : A popular website featuring stylish recipes. It also features many gorgeous sushi recipes that can be used for parties and entertaining guests.

Use these websites as a reference and try making your own sushi.

Learn about the history and culture of sushi

Sushi is one of the representative dishes of Japanese food culture.

By learning about its history and culture, you can gain a deeper understanding of sushi.

  • National Diet Library : This library has a wide range of materials related to Japanese history and culture, including many books and papers on the history of sushi.
  • Edo-Tokyo Museum : A museum showcasing the culture and life of Tokyo during the Edo period, including an exhibit on the history of sushi.
  • Tsukiji Fish Market : This is an outer market of Tsukiji Market. Not only does it sell fresh seafood, but it also hosts events related to the history and culture of sushi.

By visiting these facilities and reading related books, you can gain a deeper understanding of the appeal of sushi.

[FAQs] Get your questions about sushi answered!

Besides what we have introduced in this article, you may have some questions about sushi.

Here we have compiled some frequently asked questions and their answers.

Q1. What kind of diet method is the sushi diet?

A1. The sushi diet is a dieting method that involves eating mainly low-calorie sushi toppings, while limiting calorie intake. For example, by choosing ingredients such as squid, octopus, and white fish, and avoiding high-calorie ingredients and rolls, you can effectively control your calorie intake. However, since eating sushi alone can lead to an unbalanced nutritional intake, it is important to pay attention to combining it with other meals and nutritional balance.

Q2. How many plates does one person get at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant?

A2. The serving size at a conveyor belt sushi restaurant varies depending on gender, age, and build, but as a general guideline, it is said that a woman should have about 3-4 plates (6-8 pieces), and a man should have about 5-6 plates (10-12 pieces). Of course, it depends on how hungry you are and whether you eat other dishes, but these amounts are a good guideline.

Q3. What drink do you recommend when eating sushi?

A3. Drinks that go well with sushi include sake, green tea, and beer.

Sake brings out the delicate flavor of sushi, making it even more delicious to eat. Light, dry sake is especially recommended.

Green tea makes the greasiness of sushi refreshing, making it the perfect palate cleanser.

Beer goes well with sushi and is a casual drink that can be enjoyed.

Q4. How many types of sushi are there?

A4. There are countless types of sushi toppings. There is a huge variety, from standard toppings to seasonal toppings and regional toppings. The main toppings are tuna, salmon, squid, shrimp, sea urchin, salmon roe, etc., but a variety of other seafood is also used, including shellfish, white fish, shiny fish, and boiled conger eel. In recent years, unusual toppings such as meat sushi and fruit sushi have also become popular.

Q5. What kind of sushi should I eat to efficiently consume DHA and EPA?

A5. To get DHA and EPA efficiently, it is recommended to choose blue fish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, and horse mackerel. These fish are rich in DHA and EPA and are expected to have health benefits. In particular, the fatty part of tuna is a topping that you should actively eat, as it is particularly rich in DHA and EPA.

Q6. Is there anything I should be careful about when making sushi at home?

A6. Here are some things to keep in mind when making sushi at home:

  • Freshness of ingredients: As sushi is a dish made with raw fish, it is important to pay special attention to the freshness of the ingredients. Choose fresh seafood and cook it as soon as you buy it.
  • Hygiene: Keep your utensils and hands clean to prevent food poisoning.
  • How to cook the sushi rice: The way you cook the rice is important for sushi rice. Adjust the amount of water and vinegar to cook it until fluffy.
  • How to cut the ingredients: Cut the ingredients to the appropriate size. If they are too big it will be difficult to eat, and if they are too small the flavor will be weak.
  • Presentation: The appearance of sushi is also important. Arrange the ingredients in a well-balanced manner and present them in a colorful manner.

By keeping these points in mind, you can make delicious sushi at home.

[Summary] Let’s make eating sushi more delicious and fun!

In this article, we have introduced various information about sushi. We have explained a wide range of information, from how many pieces of sushi you should eat, what toppings are recommended, the order in which to eat them best, their health benefits, and other related information.

Sushi is one of Japan’s most famous dishes and is loved all over the world.

The reason for its popularity is not only the deliciousness of fresh seafood, but also its beautiful appearance and wide variety.

Even if you’re on a diet, you can still enjoy sushi by being creative with the types and amounts of toppings you eat.

There are various ways to do this, such as choosing low-calorie toppings, asking for less rice, or asking for brown rice instead of vinegared rice.

You can also enjoy the sushi more by paying attention to the order in which you eat it.

The usual order is to start with mild white fish, then light fish, red fish, boiled conger eel or shellfish, and finally rolls.

Sushi is rich in essential fatty acids such as DHA and EPA, making it a very healthy dish.

However, it is made with white rice, which has a high glycemic index, and seasonings that are high in salt, so you should be careful not to eat too much.

Try to eat a balanced diet and enjoy it in moderation.

In addition, this article also introduced information on recommended sushi restaurants, recipe websites for making sushi at home, and information on the history and culture of sushi. We hope that the above information will help you learn more about sushi and make it more delicious and enjoyable to eat. There are many ways to enjoy sushi, including the type of topping, how to eat it, and the atmosphere of the restaurant.

Use this article as a reference to find the best sushi experience for you.

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